jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

                          How is alternative medicine better than conventional medicine?

On hte health area exist two different types of medicine, the conventional medicine and alternative medicine. The coventional medicine it the chemical medicine, it use a drugs and body cirugies. The alternative it the natural medicine, the doctors use plants or every natural thing which serves to cure the patient.

The conventional medicine it's more invasive than alternative medicine because use chemical things, that aren't natural and can affect another part of your body. In case to serious diseases the coventional medicine attacks all your body and no cure the problems. but relieves pain. In economic point this medicine it's more expensive than other medicine.

The alternative medicine it's more effective than conventional medicine,because use natural things, cure only the diseases especific and not attacks all your body. These medicine center in diseases, but also in mind and psichological aspect of the patient . The alternative medicine is healthier than conventional medicine because the charcteristics given above.

I think the alternative medicine it´s better than conventional medicine because it´s more economic (in case to serious diseases), it´s healthier and it´s less invasive and it´s an millenary medicine in the eastern culture.

The medicine it's an area with many options to choose and each has the the possibility to select the like it.
You can guide with economic, natural or effective aspects and choose you think it´s the best.

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